“Let’s get a puppy!” my boyfriend says! Teasing me every day……… “Go look and see who’s here!” he says.
Enter Deogi my furbaby. Now Toby, my beloved 32 year old cockatiel (that's correct it's not a typo) , had a brother and later a sister our rescue Gia and then Rudy AKA The Rudester, Rudabega. Little did my boyfriend realize my ultimate love for animals. Combine that with the love of photography and catching precious moments, scenes, and character that grab our senses……you get an obsessed pet furtographer.
Deogi and Gia
Do you ever get those looks from people as you grab your phone (which has over a 1,000 pictures in it all of which are your pets) and start showing off your furchild? That was me to a tee! That was when I decided that I wanted to share with others my talent to capture the true personality of their pets, their family members.
Every fur baby is different in their personalities, likes and prize possessions. I want to be able to capture for you the precious moments that you see every day in your pet(s) that puts a smile on your face and a glow in your heart. To capture the moments between the two of you and your family members that you have burned in your memories but now we can put them on a medium so everyone can see.
I picked up my first camera at a very young age a polaroid. Yes do you remember those? Instant gratification and a perfect memory. Later in my early teenage years I picked up my first 35mm. It was my fathers from when he was in the service. Though my pups got ahold of it one day and decided the leather case was outdated and just should not be there, I still have that camera today. I took pictures of everything and everyone. High school is when my photography lessons first came into play. I was so excited the first time I got that water reflection landscape picture just perfect. Now of course then you didn’t know until you got into the dark room.
My passion for photography has only grown through the years. Whether it’s a crazy face, a precious moment that you don’t think anyone sees (by the way I do), the grasshopper eating a leaf on a tree, the pair of spectacles on the table with a reflection of grandpa/Dad sleeping, or your sweet furchild with his woobie I have to take the picture. I see stories in every moment that should be told and a photograph has the ability to tell that story without words. I would be honored to give you those memories to share.